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First, I'll preface by saying that I quite like the double sided design and the upright charging stand, and that when it does work, it's a pretty satisfying experience. Hence, the extra star. However, there are a couple of major design defects with this product that make me very hesitant about recommending it to anyone. I exchanged my first purchase because the unit would not recharge at all - It looked like one of the charging pins was broken off. With my replacement I checked that it was working OK, and it was fine - for a few weeks. In normal (very gentle) use, it one day stopped charging, and it looked like one of the charging "pins" had disattached - it turns out it's just a piece of bent wire (about the thickness of a small staple) that is folded/friction fit into a plastic slot. If it gets pressed wrong, it'll pop out, and needs to be carefully bent back in to work (the charging pins can not be accessed even if you take apart the rest of the housing from above). This could be completely avoided with ¥1 of glue or solder, but there you go.Also, while I didn't have any problems grinding with my first item, I noticed problems where it would get stuck grinding (pink himalayan) salt on the replacement I got. I was able to take apart the unit (a tri-tip screw bit is required) and see that what happens is that salt grains get through the o-ring and cause the gears to seize (note the gears are mostly plastic - I don't have high hopes for their longevity). Cleaning the ring will make things OK for a bit, but then it would seize again. The solution for me (and why I didn't have the problem with my first unit I believe) is that you must put salt (or anything that will generate fine powder) in the bottom grinder only. I swapped the salt and pepper (so the pepper is on the top) and so far have not had the same problems seizing. Note, that you can't unscrew and clean the bottom seal like the top.In summary, while I have enjoyed this product when it works and the double-sided design is neat, it's quite shoddily made and the quality is incredibly poor for the price. For less than half the price you could take your chances with any of the other cheap Chinese electric grinders, or for about the same price you could get two of the (made in Japan) Kyocera Ceramic Electric Mills that are undoubtedly higher quality.
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