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uxcell ワッシャー 座金 アルミ製 排水口用 16mmx20mmx1.2mm 100個入 大極上】カネヨ鴎洋水産の大極上 『エゾバフンウニ』特A品並び(約250g)化粧箱 ・冷蔵
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Amazon カスタマー 5
シューズ バレエシューズ バレリーナ フラット10↓↑ Neil Cresswell 4
Bought the small size replacement bands for the Garmin Vivosmart HR. Arrived quickly. Mostly, a very good fit, and I liked that I could use the original black buckle instead of the stainless steel finish one provided, which doesn't go with any of the bands. Original buckle is about 1mm too wide but that is not very noticeable.I didn't use the provided screws and stuck with the original screws, so can't comment on the fit of the new screws. The provided screwdriver with appropriate end for the non-standard screw heads was very useful.Fit on the power button side was perfectly flush and as good as the original. Fit on the other side was good too but as the material is softer, tends to pull away at the top by 1mm while still remaining secure. Nothing that would stop use and not casually noticeable, so was fine for me. I think this was down to the material being more pliable than the original straps.The length was about 1cm less than the original, so if you're looking for close to the same size as the original, I'd pick the small size. The keeper didn't have a bump to help it keep in place in one of the holes but that was not at all necessary. Being silicon rubber, the keeper didn't move at all, even when vigorously exercising.Overall very happy with these replacement straps. Am glad I ordered them. 4 stars instead of 5 since the fit for the buckle and for one end of the straps wasn't perfect. If there was a 4.5 star option, I'd pick that.
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