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I wanted engineering blocks to help me make miniature structures. However, they were priced quite prohibitively here in Japan. Then I saw these. Although I work with card, foam, and plastic, I reasoned that I could use these magnets, especially since they are cut to all the common angles I need. Well, it does work, but not as I thought. You cannot really set these magnet to magnet, they slip around. But they have no problem sticking to the steel housing. Basically, these are sandwiches of steel, magnet, steel. You can fully take advantage of the angles, and the magnetic fields go right through the modeling materials to adhere to the steel. It just takes a second to adjust your thinking. If possible, I use the biggest piece as a base, and use two of the other magnets (especially the smallest ones) to adhere to that base, and each other. No problems there. The slabs of steel on either side of the magnet are equal, and align perfectly. For larger pieces, I don't need the big base magnet, but it's easy enough to manipulate the other magnets around to stick. I am glad I got the largest set, with the 4 small magnets, 1 huge magnet, and 2 mediums. All in all, these are far more versatile than engineering blocks. The only caveat is the rivets. The steel is bolted into the magnets with rivets, which mars an otherwise flat surface. Honestly, it doesn't matter much: the magnets are recessed a bit, so I find myself aligning the crossing sandwich along the rivets at times. The rivets aren't so large that they deform my models in any meaningful way anyway. Very pleased that I took a chance and got these. Highly recommended for miniature modelers that are building structures.
楽天市場】シングルライダース レザージャケット レディース ブラック S-XL ふだん着レザーシリーズ L1023 【小キズ、シワ、シミ、色ムラ、ステッチずれ、染料臭等が必ずございます】【有料ラッピング対応】 : 神戸パティーナ
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