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I purchased my first set of the PX7 in December last year, having been impressed listening to the previous PX model in a store in Tokyo while headphone shopping. Compared to the other headphones at the time it was night and day. Soon after, the PX7 came out which I bought, and then the PX7 Carbon edition which I ordered immediately. So I passed on my original set to my son after the Carbon version arrived. As with the regular model, the fit was great, as was the sound. Before they were even broken in, the depth was visceral, real and accurate for a headphone in this price range and if you value sound accuracy, I highly recommend them. The opening chords in Joan Armatrading’s Love and Confusion sounded if I was actually playing the guitar myself real time. The noise cancelling function is on par with other competing models and the looks were the cherry on the cake. However, after six months of usage, when I removed them while watching a video or listening to music, the wear sensors didn’t seem to activate and the sound kept playing. I then noticed that the power light never came on when charging. So I went to the B&W PX7 online manual to investigate what might be up, and to my surprise, discovered a customer support link which I contacted about my problem. Within two days I had a reply with an address to a service centre in Japan asking me to provide a warranty card and receipt as proof of purchase. A day later I was asked to send in the product with a promise that I could receive a replacement pair based on the fact that the charging unit was faulty but the wear sensors were fine. Having now received my replacement pair, the charging process works flawlessly. Upon further investigation I discovered that problems with wear sensors originated from the fact that I always switched them on once on my head where I should switch them on whilst on my lap so the wear sensors could collaborate properly. They now work perfectly and can say, to my ears, they are the best headphones on the market with customer support to match. But sound is subjective, so go with your ears and make your choice. These are mine.
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